
调节麻痹前后电脑验光的自身对照研究 被引量:1

The self control studies on pre and post paralysis accommodation with computerized refraction
摘要 目的:探讨电脑验光在儿童及青少年屈光不正验光检验中的应用价值,及调节因素对其测定结果的影响。方法:对5~26岁190眼调节麻痹前后分别电脑验光,对测得数据进行自身对照和分析。结果:调节麻痹前后,20岁以下各年龄组球镜、柱镜值的差异均有显著意义,P<0.05;20~26岁组差异无显著性意义,P>0.05;柱镜的轴向,均值差<5°,差异无显著性意义,P>0.05。结论:儿童及青少年调节麻痹前后电脑验光的屈光度数值差异有显著性意义,对于20岁以下者应强调散瞳电脑验光。 Objective:To evaluate the clinical value and the effects of the accommodation factors on the measured results with computerized refraction for checking the refractory errors in youth and children.Methods:Investigation was carried out on the relationship between pre and post paralysis accommodation with computerized refraction in 190 eyes of 5 26 years old patients, by self control analysis. Results:Before and after regular paralysis, both the differences of the spherical and cylindrical mirror values were different significantly ( P <0.05) in patients under twenty, but they were not significantly. Different in patients above 20. The mean difference of axial of cylindrical mirror was less than 5°,it was not statistically different ( P >0.05).Conclusion:The youth under twenty should be emphasised to refract with computer after paralysis accommodation and the axial of the cylindrical mirror may take as the basis to definite the axis.
机构地区 解放军
出处 《军医进修学院学报》 CAS 1998年第4期294-295,共2页 Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
关键词 调节麻痹 电脑验光 对照研究 paralysis accommodation computerized refraction
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  • 2卞振英,实用眼科杂志,1986年,4卷,5期,336页
  • 3郭素琴,实用眼科杂志,1986年,4卷,5期,333页
  • 4金崇华,实用眼科杂志,1986年,4卷,5期,316页
  • 5李晋水,眼科新进展,1985年,5卷,4期,57页
  • 6宋止仪,谷艳华.电脑验光与散瞳检影验光对比分析[J]眼科新进展,1988(02).




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