
花青苷成分对瓜叶菊花色的影响 被引量:17

Anthocyanins Present in Flowers of Senecio cruentus with Different Colors
摘要 通过测定不同花色瓜叶菊舌状花花色表型和定性定量分析其花青苷成分组成,探讨不同瓜叶菊花色表型与其所含花青素类色素类型之间的关系。采用分光色差计(NF333)测量了不同花色的色相值。用高效液相色谱—光电二极管阵列检测技术(HPLC-PAD)和高效液相色谱—电喷雾离子化—质谱联用技术(HPLC-ESI-MS)分析花瓣中花青苷和黄酮醇的组成及含量。分析表明:花色表型中亮度和花青苷总量之间存在线性负相关。蓝色和红色瓜叶菊花色分别由飞燕草素苷元(Dp)和矢车菊素苷元(Cy)为核心的花青苷决定。粉色瓜叶菊含有Cy和天竺葵素苷元(Pg)为核心的花青苷。紫色瓜叶菊主要含有Dp和Cy为核心的花青苷。瓜叶菊花色亮度与花青苷含量负相关,瓜叶菊花红色程度和Cy为核心的花青苷含量正相关。瓜叶菊主要由花青素决定其呈色。 The authors analyzed anthocyanins contained in the Senecio cruentus DC. flower with different colors. The cluster analysis made based on the content of anthocyanins in the different flower colors of S. cruentus. The floral color was measured by a spectrophotometer (NF333). A high performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector ( HPLC - PAD ) and HPLC - electrospray ionization - mass spectrometry ( HPLC - ESI - MS) methods were employed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins and flavonols. The major anthocyanin and the relationship between the appearance and the content of anthocyanins are found through the cluster analysis. There is a linear negative correlation between the flower lightness and the total anthoeyanins contained in flower petals. The blue and red flower colors of the S. cruentus decided by delphinidin (Dp) and cyanidin (Cy). The pink flowers contained the derivatives of cyanidin (Cy) and pelargonidin (Pg). The purple flower contained the derivatives of delphinidin and eyanidin. The lighteness of flower has a negative correlation with the quantity of anthocyanins and the level of redness has a positive correlation with Cy-type anthocyanins contained in flower. The flower color of the S. cruentus is decided by the composition and quantity of the anthocyanins.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1775-1782,共8页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30671714) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX2-YW-N-043)
关键词 瓜叶菊 花色 花青苷 Senecio cruentus DC. flower color anthocyanin
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