
基于动态区别定价的多QoS服务选择和资源配置 被引量:1

Dynamic differentiated pricing for multi-class services selection and resource allocation
摘要 在提供多QoS的区分服务网络中,用户需要在其预算约束下选择最合适的服务,网络则利用有限的资源提供用户所需的服务。针对用户端服务选择问题,提出基于效用最大化的服务优化组合方法,以及基于服务令牌的DSCP设定算法。针对网络端资源配置问题,提出在不同的时间尺度上动态调整各类服务的价格和资源的配置方式,通过与服务价格的互动实现资源的优化配置。实验表明,该机制能够显著提高用户总效用,有助于提高区分服务的可部署性。 In differentiated services network, users have to choose reasonably among multi-class services with differentiated QoS under budget constraints, while the network has to provide the required services effectively with limited resource, Service choosing problem was modeled as an optimal services composition one whose solution corresponded to specific number of service tokens which then instructed the DSCP selection at user end. Service providing problem was solved by a heuristic algorithm in which service prices were tuned dynamically at network end on a small timescale according to users' demand variation, while resource provision was adjusted on a large timescale based on service prices logicality. Simulation results show that the mechanism can improve users' total utility markedly and promote the deployment of differentiated services.
作者 董永强
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期243-245,252,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60603067)
关键词 区分服务 网络定价 效用最大化 逐跳行为 differentiated service network pricing utility maximization Per Hop Behavior (PHB)
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