The low temperature specific heat of Sm-AI-Co ternary metallic glasses is investigated and a clear anomaly associated with the Boson peak is identified. While this anomaly depends slightly on the chemical composition, it has no dependence on external magnetic field. To figure out the mechanism of the Boson peak, we interpret the data within various model frameworks. Unlike earlier work, our study shows that this Boson peak is mainly ascribed to an additional T2 term of the specific heat, which may originate from the quasi-two-dimensional and short-range ordered structure units possibly existing in the metallic glasses.
The low temperature specific heat of Sm-AI-Co ternary metallic glasses is investigated and a clear anomaly associated with the Boson peak is identified. While this anomaly depends slightly on the chemical composition, it has no dependence on external magnetic field. To figure out the mechanism of the Boson peak, we interpret the data within various model frameworks. Unlike earlier work, our study shows that this Boson peak is mainly ascribed to an additional T2 term of the specific heat, which may originate from the quasi-two-dimensional and short-range ordered structure units possibly existing in the metallic glasses.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50601013, 10674061 and 50832002)
the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB921802)