
太阳能辅助燃煤电站一体化发电技术 被引量:13

Integrative Power Generation Technology of Coal-fired Power Plant Supported by Solar Energy
摘要 在分析太阳能低品位热利用技术和常规燃煤发电技术优点的基础上,将槽式太阳能热发电技术应用于常规燃煤电厂,寻求太阳能大规模利用的新途径。对太阳能与燃煤电站一体化发电进行可行性探讨和研究,以某典型300 MW机组为例,利用并联电算法对太阳能与燃煤机组复合系统的热经济性指标进行计算分析,得到了太阳能热利用系统与火电机组的最佳耦合方案。 The paper introduces the solar energy applicable technology and advantages of the general coal-fired power plants. The solar thermal power technology is applied to the general coal-burned power plant to find a new way of the solar energy use. The feasibility of the solar supported power plant is analyzed and the thermal economic index of a typical combined system of 300 MW is calculated in the conventional parallel algorithm, and the best coupling scheme of the solar thermal system and the power plant is established.
出处 《电力建设》 2010年第1期7-10,共4页 Electric Power Construction
基金 教育部科学技术研究重大项目(306004) 华北电力大学科研基金(200622016)
关键词 能源与动力工程 一体化发电技术 太阳能 热力系统 热经济性 energy and power engineering integrative power generation solar energy thermal system thermal economy
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