
小儿发热的中西医病因及治疗 被引量:19

The Etiology and treatment in Chinese and Western Medicine of Fever in Children Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
摘要 发热是儿童最常见的症状之一,正确判断儿童急性发热的病因对于选择合适的治疗意义重大,但是儿科医师对儿童发热病因的早期判断仍有一定困难,因此选择退热药物对症治疗在临床得到广泛的运用。本文论述了体温调节的病理生理机制,并叙述了临床常用退热药物的作用机制、不良反应,以及中医对小儿发热病因的认识和治疗方法,提出中医治疗小儿发热的有效方法。 Fever is one of the most commonsymptoms in pediatrics. It is of greatsignificance to define the cause of acute feverso as to choose appropriate treatments. However, there are certain difficulties for pediatricians to judge the cause of feverin children dur- ing the very earlystage of the disease, so that antipyretics are widely used in the clinics. This article discusses the pathophysiologic mechanism of temperature regulation, and describes the mechanism and adverse reactions of commonly used antipyretics. It also describes the acknowledgement of the cause and treatment of fever in children by traditional Chinese medicine, and proposes an effective treatment by Chinese medicine.
作者 冯天行
出处 《中国民族民间医药》 2010年第1期106-107,共2页 Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy
关键词 退热药 小儿发热 病因 Antipyretics, fever, children, etiology
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