PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company's 3.5Mt/a RFCC unit began to process RDS tail oil in August 2008.After RDS tail oil was introduced,the feedstock became heavier and the contents of light components dropped.The yield of dry gas stayed about the same;the yields of LPG and diesel fuel increased, while those of gasoline,slurry oil and naphtha dropped.The yield of total liquids increased.Although the con- tent of sulfur in the feedstock increased,that in products all dropped.The contents of sulfur in flue gas and coke rose but the content of sulfur in sewage discharged out of the company dropped.Most sulfur in products is concentrated in slurry oil and this greatly reduced the load of desulfurizing units,which is instrumental to the improvement of the quality of products.Processing RDS tail oil can help units reduce energy consumption. The overall energy consumption of Dalian Petrochemical Company's RFCC unit dropped by 1.76kg of oil e- quivalent per ton of feedstock.As a result of the drop in the content of pollutants in the feedstock as well as the content of sulfur in products ,the consumption of catalysts dropped ,reducing the difficulty of operating subsequent refining processes and significantly reducing the consumption of liquid caustic soda and desulfuriz- ing agents.The main tasks for Dalian Petrochemical Company in the future will be reducing the contents of sulfur and nitrogen in catalytic feedstock and transferring sulfur and nitrogen in the feedstock into products instead of discharging them into the atmosphere in the forms of SO2 and NOx to mitigate air pollution
Sino-Global Energy
catalytic feedstock
RDS tail oil
product yield
sulfur content
energy consumption
catalyst consump- tion