
中国6种白色羽鹭科鸟类的系统归属研究 被引量:3

Phylogenetic Relationships of 6 Species Egrets with White Plumes in China
摘要 对黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes)、岩鹭(E.sacra)、大白鹭(E.alba)、中白鹭(E.intermedia)、白鹭(E.garzetta)和牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)6种白色羽鹭科鸟类和其它8种鹭科鸟类的线粒体12S rRNA基因分析比对及建立系统树.结果显示:黄嘴白鹭和岩鹭的亲缘关系最近,它们与白鹭聚为一支,三者间遗传距离小于1.05%,应归于同一属,即白鹭属;大白鹭、中白鹭与白鹭属种类遗传距离大于9.52%,而与鹭属种类的遗传距离在4.89%~5.46%之间,可见它们与鹭属的亲缘关系更近,应从白鹭属分离出来;大白鹭、中白鹭和牛背鹭三者与鹭属种类的遗传距离都小于5.46%,亲缘关系比较接近,综合(开鸟)亚科外群的遗传距离分类标准(6.74%~7.70%),支持将大白鹭、中白鹭和牛背鹭归入鹭属的结论. Phylogenetic relationships of 6 species egrets with white plumes in China(as Chinese egret, eastern reef heron, great egret, intermediate egret,little egret and cattle egret)were studied by analyzing the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences. Phylogenetic trees were constructed for 6 white plumes egret species, combined with other 8 Ardeidae species based on 12S rRNA gene sequences. The results indicated that Chinese egret and eastern reef heron had the closest genetic relationship and then cluster with little egret, while the great egret and intermediate egret should be separated from genus Egretta as they had closer related to the genus Ardea than to genus Egretta. Moreover,great egret,intermediate egret and cattle egret can belong to different genus by different sort standard,of which can all belong to genus Ardea if using the sort standard of genus Ixobrychus. This result was also supported by Kushlan & Hancockls classification.
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期83-86,共4页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
基金 福建省自然科学基金项目(2006J0376)
关键词 白色羽 鹭科鸟类 12S RRNA基因 white plumes Ardeidae birds 12S rRNA gene
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