
高分辨视频无线传输的RTP分包方法 被引量:2

摘要 重点研究了高分辨率视频图像经MPEG-4压缩后,数据流的RTP分包问题。传输中的丢包率和RTP包的长度有关,为了在无线信道中降低丢包率,改善解码的效果,在RFC3016中规定的基于VOP分包的基础上,提出了一种基于宏块的、能够根据网络状态的变化而自动调整RTP包大小的自适应分包方法。最终将该方法应用于无线枪瞄摄像机,在ARM系统上实现了高分辨率视频图像的采集、编码、无线发送等。实验结果表明,该方法能较好地降低大数据量视频信号的无线传输的丢包率。 The paper focuses on the RTP packeting issue of data streams of MPED-4 compressed high resolution video pictures.The packet-loss rate relates to RTP packets' length.In order to reduce packet-loss rate and improve decoding effect,based on prescriptive VOP packeting in RFC3016,the paper presents an adaptive packeting technology,which is based on macro block and can adjust RTP packet size automatically according to the variation of network condition.The scheme is finally applied to wireless weapon sight camera and has implemented on ARM system the collection,encoding and wireless transmission of high resolution video pictures.The experimental result has proved that this method can fairly reduce the wireless transmission packet-loss rate of video signal with big data size.
作者 卓薇 杨鸣
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 2010年第1期218-220,263,共4页 Computer Applications and Software
关键词 RTP/RTCP MPEG-4 RTP分包 丢包率 无线传输 RTP/RTCP MPED-4 RTP Packeting Packet-loss rate Wireless transmission
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