
河西干旱灌区春小麦垄作沟灌栽培下适宜品种筛选研究 被引量:3

Study on Screen Suitable Varieties of Spring Wheat under Ridge Cultivation in Arid Hexi Irrigation Area
摘要 [目的]筛选出适合河西干旱灌区垄作节水栽培的高产、优质春小麦品种。[方法]于2005年进行了8个春小麦品种(系)的品比试验,调查比较它们的生育期、农艺性状、经济性状和产量。[结果]春小麦垄作适宜品种筛选结果表明,96123产量表现最好,折合产量7 257.00 kg/hm2,分别比其他品种高805.50-1 906.50 kg/hm2,其次为陇辐2号,折合产量6 451.50 kg/hm2,其余品种产量在5 341.50-6 135.00 kg/hm2,其中西旱1号产量表现最差,折合产量只有5 341.50 kg/hm2,暂不宜垄作栽培。[结论]96123可作为垄作栽培的适宜品种推广应用,陇辐2号和宁鉴210可作搭配品种。 [ Objective] The study was to screen some varieties with high-yield, good-quality characters for ridge of water-saving cultivation in Hexi irrigated areas. [ Method] The variety comparative test on 8 spring wheat varieties(lines) was conducted in 2005 to investigate and compare their growth periods, agronomic characters, economic characters, yields. [ Result ] The results showed that 96-123 had the highest yield, was 7 257.00 kg/hm2 ,805.50 - 1 906.50 kg/hm2 higher than other varieties, followed by was longfu 2nd, 6 451.50 kg/hm2. The conversion yield of the other varieties(lines) were 5 341.50 - 6 135.00 kg/hm2, Xihan 1 nd yields was lowest, 5 341.50 kg/hm2, was unfit for ridge cultivation. [ Conclusion] The 96-123 can be used as suitable varieties for ridge cultivation to extended application, the longfu 2nd and Ning jian-210 can be used with a collocation variety.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期1182-1184,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国际科技合作项目(2007DFA91560) 国家"863"项目"北方干旱内陆河灌区(甘肃张掖)节水农业综合技术体系集成与示范"(2002AA2Z4191)第9子专题部分研究内容
关键词 春小麦 品种(系) 垄作 产量 Spring wheat Variety(Line) Ridge Yield
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