以膜-生物反应器(MBR)为预处理工艺,构建了MBR-纳滤组合系统并应用于生活污水和大型超市废水的处理,考察MBR作为纳滤预处理的可行性,评价纳滤膜的出水水质,分析不同操作模式和不同进水水质对纳滤膜的渗透性能的影响。研究表明,MBR作为纳滤的预处理是完全可行的。MBR-纳滤组合工艺处理生活污水的出水平均值:浊度0.09~0.44 NTU,电导率553.7~902.3μS/cm,TOC 1.75~5.57 mg/L,TN 1 1.3~12.5 mg/L,TP<0.2 mg/L;MBR-纳滤组合工艺处理超市废水的出水平均值:浊度0.075~0.26 NTU,电导率143.2~388.9μS/cm,TOC 2.71~5.03 mg/L,TN为1.6~3.3 mg/L,TP<0.2 mg/L。纳滤系统的出水水质低于城市生活饮用水标准中绝大多数常规检测项目中所规定的限值,也可满足循环冷却水用再生水水质标准。
The combined MBR-NF process, using MBR technology as a pre-treatment process, was set up for direct treatment of domestic wastewater and a big shopping mall' s wastewater. The objective of this study is to further investigate the feasibility of MBR system as a pretreatment process for NF permeation, estimate the MBRNF process to produce high grade effluent, and evaluate the different operating patterns and different raw water qualities affecting the NF permeation. The results showed that MBR technology was suitable as a pre-treatment for NF in the MBR-NF process. The NF permeate qualities of combined MBR-NF process which was used to treat domestic wastewater were turbidity 0.09 - 0.44 NTU, conductivity 553.7 - 902. 3μS/cm, TOC 1.75 5.57 mg/L,TN 11.3 - 12.5 mg/L, TP 〈0.2 mg/L. The NF permeate qualities of combined MBR-NF process which was used to treat a big shopping mall' s wastewater were turbidity 0. 075 - 0. 26 NTU, conductivity 143.2 -388.9μS/cm, TOC 2. 71 -5.03 μg/L, TN 1.6-3.3 mg/L, TP 〈0.2 mg/L. The grade of NF effluents could meet the drinking water standard and the reusing wastewater quality standard for industrial circulating cooling water.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering