
基于最短时延的认知无线电网络安全路由算法 被引量:2

Security Routing Algorithm Based on Shortest Delay for Cognitive Radio Networks
摘要 针对认知无线电网络可用频谱动态变化和路由过程中出现的安全问题,提出将最短数据传输时延和高安全等级路由作为选路标准,设计了一种跨层路由选择算法。算法通过优化转发节点个数和各转发节点接收、发送数据信道来减少数据传输时延。通过选择具有高安全级别的转发节点来保证路由的安全性。理论分析表明算法是高效和可行的。它的时间复杂度是O(N2),其中N是拓扑图中节点的个数。 The paper proposed a cross-layer routing selection algorithm, which considers the shortest delay and highest security as routing selection standard. The routing algorithm aims to solve the problem of both the dynamic spectrum and security problem in cognitive radio networks. The Algorithm reduces the data transfer delay by optimizing the number of forwarding nodes and selecting channel for transmitting and receiving, and ensures routing security by choosing a forwarding node of high level security. The results of theory analysis show that the algorithm is efficient and feasible. The computing complexity of the algorithm is O(N^2 ) ,where N is the number of nodes in the network topology graph.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期68-71,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.60773074)认知无线电安全关键技术研究资助
关键词 认知无线电网络 跨层路由选择算法 安全路由 最短时延 Cognitive radio networks,Cross-layer routing selection algorithm, Secure routing,Shortest delay
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