
飞机蒙皮裂纹的数学形态学识别方法 被引量:4

Morphological Recognition Method of Aircraft Skin Cracks
摘要 提出了一种基于数学形态学的飞机蒙皮裂纹磁光图像检测方法。首先应用内距均值法确定磁光图像中类圆形铆钉区域的圆形参数,然后利用自适应线性星形形态学腐蚀算子分割裂纹缺陷。其中,以四点方向快速定位法确定腐蚀算子的方向,并用中心对称法处理裂纹缺陷区域粘连的情况,最后,根据备选区域相关特征进行分类,判别缺陷存在及其特征参数。实验结果表明:算法在检测裂纹的多种特征方面具有优越性。 A method for aircraft skin crack defects detection based on mathematical morphology is posed.Firstly,the center and the radius of rivet areas are determined by the inner-distance mean value method;and then the crack defect is segmented by the method of self-adaptive liner star-shaped morphology erosion operator whose direction is determined by the four-point direction rapid positioning method and the centro-symmetric method is used to resolve the problem of crack defects region adhesion.Finally, the alternative regions are classified according to their related characteristics, and then determine the existence and feature parameters of defects. The experimental results show that the recognition algorithm for aircraft skin crack defects detection compared other exist methods has the advantage on the amount information of crack defects detected.
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2009年第6期5-8,16,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60776811)
关键词 飞机蒙皮裂纹 内距均值法 腐蚀算子 裂纹缺陷识别 aircraft skin crack inner-distance mean value method erosion operator crack defects recognition
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