针对"测试技术"课程实验教学的需要,开发了基于虚拟仪器技术的微小位移测量的实验装置,它利用LabVIEW软件驱动USB摄像头完成图像采集,I MAQ Vision Assistant软件对采集的原始图像进行图像预处理和二值化处理以提取微小位移的区域,并精确地计算此区域的质心像素坐标。同时,采用BP神经网络优化模型以消除摄像头与被测物体距离对测量结果的交叉敏感影响。最后,通过LabVIEW网络通信技术实现远程网络的微小位移的测量。教学实践证明这一装置是一个应用研究的良好实验平台。
A experimental device for measuring micro-displacement based on virtual instrument technology has been developed for the course Experiment of Test Technology. In this system , image acquisition is employed by a USB camera driving by LabVIEW software, and the region of micro-displacement is extracted by the pre-processing and threshold processing of original image using IMAQ Vision Assistant software. Then the coordinate of central? elements in this region is calculated accurately. Meanwhile, using the BP neural network optimization model the cross-sensitivity of measurement is eliminated from affects of the distance between the camera and aims. Finally, the remote measurement of micro-displacement can be achieved by the technology of remote network communication in LabVIEW. The teaching practice proves that it is a favorable experimental platform for application research.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education