针对雷达实时信息处理系统采用Compact PIC标准总线与终端进行数据传输时,系统的通用性降低、开发成本提高、开发周期延长的问题,提出了千兆以太网接口设计的方法。该方法对主机没有特殊要求,使用通用网络驱动程序,提高了系统的通用性并缩短了开发周期。经实际测试,证实了该设计的正确性。
When the radar real-time signal processing system adopts Compact PCI bus-based to transmit data with termination, there are some proteins, such as less generality and extended development cycle. To solve these problems, Gigabit Ethernet interface of radar real-time signal processing system is developed, which has no special requirements for its host and uses a general-purpose network driver. So the universal property of the system is improved and the development period of the system is reduced. The test results show the correctness of the design.
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