从the"DG Harmony"案中美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院的轰动性判决入手,对英美法有关海上危险货物运输下托运人归责原则和承托双方责任分担的相关立法和司法实践的演进作一梳理,即从《海牙规则》与美国COGSA1936前普通法和一般海事原则下托运人严格责任的确立,到对《海牙规则》及COGSA1936相关条款下托运人严格责任的解析,再到以the"DG Harmony"案为代表的英美目前司法实践对突破托运人严格责任的探索。在此梳理的基础上,总结概括出目前英美法下裁判海上危险货物运输纠纷的思路与原则。这种以托运人严格责任原则为基础,以通过"知识权衡"与因果分析确定的"未能提醒"的过失责任原则为补充的思路,对中国的立法和司法实践具有一定的借鉴意义。
In the DG Harmony case, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit made an important and sensational decision in respect of shipper's liability for dangerous goods shipped by sea. Beginning with this case, the paper analyzed the evolution of the theory about the principle of imputation for the shipper and the apportionment of liability between shipper and carrier under carriage of dangerous goods by sea, from the strict liability under the common law, general maritime law, Hague Rules and US COGSA 1936, to the breakthrough of strict liability under recent judicial practice in common law countries. The new way based on the theory of "balance of knowledge", "causation analysis" and "failure to warn" can be used for reference by the legislation and maritime trial of China.
Annual of China Maritime Law