

Divide Site Type of Larch Plantation
摘要 通过对黑龙江省东部山区落叶松人工林的综合性调查,运用数量化模型Ⅲ研究立地条件与落叶松人工林生长间的关系,并对立地条件类型进行了划分,以便达到适地适树,速生丰产,科学造林的目的,为合理培育森林资源提供理论依据。 Method of quantized model Ⅲ was used to research relation of site condition and growing of larch plantation by systhesis search on larch plantation in hill area in the East of Heilongjiang province. Site condition was divided to reach the destination of the trees adapting the land. fast growing and high yield. scientific forestation, for providing theory basis in reasonable managing forest resources.
出处 《高师理科学刊》 1998年第3期56-59,82,共5页 Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University
关键词 落叶松人工森 立地类型 生长 数量化模型Ⅲ 森林 Larch plantation Site type Growing Quantized model Ⅲ
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