

Studies on treatment of fermentation waste liquor of Selenium-riched Aspergillus oryzae
摘要 富硒米曲霉发酵产生的废液目前尚无现成的处理工艺或方法套用,为此考察了铁硒共沉淀法的除硒效果。结果表明,发酵废液pH值控制在5.5~6.5;氯化铁(FeCl3.6H2O)的投加量5 g/L;搅拌时间15 min;静置30 min;高速离心20 min(3000 r/min);出水硒含量达到硒排放一级标准。 As there are no recorded treatment methods for waste liquor produced by fermentation of Selenium-riched Aspergillus Oryzae, this paper makes an attempt to remove Selenium from waste liq- uor with Fe/Se co-precipitation and tests its effectiveness. The results show that the content of Sele- nium in waste water reached the first-class national discharge standard of Selenium when pH values of waste liquor were controlled between 5.5 and 6.5, FeCl3 · 6H2O was put with the criterion of 5 g/L, the mixed liquor was stirred for 15 minutes, set still for 30 minutes and centrifuged for 20 minutes (3000 r/rain).
出处 《中国调味品》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期56-59,共4页 China Condiment
基金 富硒醋 酱油生产技术及工艺创新开发(20050418)
关键词 富硒 米曲霉 废液 Selenium-riched Aspergillus oryzae waste liquor
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