
双套管防屈曲支撑的抗震性能的实验研究 被引量:4

Research on the antiseismic behavior of the sleeved columm of buckling-restrained brace
摘要 双套管防屈曲支撑是由内核与套筒组合而成的结构体系,其中内核承受轴向压力,套筒只提供内核侧向支撑并约束内核的屈曲变形.主要对其3个主要设计参数约束比、间隙和内核突出段长度进行了探讨性的实验研究,得出该三种不同参数的变化对防屈曲支撑的抗震性能的影响程度. The sleeved columm buckling-restrained brace is composed of an inner core and a sleeve.The inner core supports axially compressive load.The sleeve provides the lateral support and restricts the buckling of the inner core.The advanced experimental study of three main design parameters of BRB are buckling-restrained ration,gap and additional length.The impact of the three different parameters on antiseismic behavior of the BRBs was obtained.
出处 《内蒙古科技大学学报》 CAS 2009年第3期233-237,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
关键词 防屈曲支撑 轴压内核 屈曲约束比 滞回曲线 buckling-bestrained brace axially compressed inner core buckling-restrained ration hysteretic curve
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