Objective: To exam the effects of EAS (-1377G/A and -670A/G) and FASL (-844T/C and 7896G/C) polymorphisms on the risk of developing breast cancer. Methods: To determine the association between FAS or FASL genotype and risk of developing breast cancer. we designed a case-control study consisting of 840 patients with breast cancer and 840 cancer-free controls. Results: Subjects carrying the FAS-1377AA (OR, 1.36; 95% CI. 1.01-1.82; P =0.045). GA(OR, 1.29: 95% CI. 1.05-1.59: P =0.017) genotypes and FASL -844CC (OR. 1.53: 95% CI. 1.01-2.31; P = 0.045) genotype had a moderately excessive risk of developing breast cancer. By examing interaction between the FAS and FASL. polymorphisms in risk of breast cancer, no data shown any significant interaction between the polymorphisms in these two genes except subjects carrying the FAS -1377AA and FASL --844CC genorypes (OR, 3.00: 95% CI=1.45-6.24; P=0.003). In addition, subjects carrying the EAS -1377A/-670A hapiotype had a higher risk for breast cancer compared with those with the E4S -1377G/-670A haplotype (OR, 1.45; 95% CL 1.06-2.00; P = 0.021 ) but the FAS -1377G/-670G haplotype had a lower (OR, 0.68; 95% CI. 0.49-0.93; P = 0.016) risk compared with the EAS -1377G/-670A haplotype. For the FASL polymorphisms, the -844T/7896C haplotype was associated with a significantly lower risk compared with the -844C/7896G haplotype (OR. 0.79: 95% CI. 0.67-0,94; P =0.009). Conclusion These findings indicated that genetic polymorphisms in the FAS-FASL system may confer host susceptibility to breast cancer .
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Guide