
多跳Ad Hoc网络语音自适应退避和拼接算法

Adaptive backoff algorithm and merging algorithm of voice frames in multihop ad hoc network
摘要 针对多跳Ad Hoc网络中瓶颈节点降低语音传输性能的问题,提出了语音分组MAC(Medium Access Control)层的自适应退避算法和拼接算法。自适应退避算法实现缓存语音报文数量多的中继节点比其它节点有更高的发送优先级,拼接算法使得节点在获得信道的访问机会里,将多个到达不同目的地址的语音帧拼接在一起,尽快的将语音报文发送出去,减少瓶颈节点带来的丢包率和时延。最后,用OPNET仿真,仿真结果验证了使用该方法可以对语音通信提供很好的QoS(Quality of Service)保障。 Addressing the problem of bottleneck nodes in multihop ad hoc network could reduce the performance of voice transmission,which proposed an adaptive backoff algorithm and a merging algorithm of voice frames. This adaptive backoff algorithm achieved that a relay node which had buffered more voice packets had higher priority to send. This merging algorithm let bottleneck nodes merge voice frames getting to different destinations and send more voice packets in each opportunity of accessing the channel. It decreased packet loss rate and delay. Finally, the simulation results showed that the method proposed provided QoS guarantee for the performance of voice transmitting.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第36期116-118,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 多跳Ad HOC网络 语音 自适应退避 拼接 捎带 multihop ad hoc network voice adaptive backoff merging piggyback
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