
美国页岩气发展对全球天然气市场的影响 被引量:13

The effect of American shale gas development on the global natural gas market
摘要 在页岩气勘探开发技术取得突破后,美国页岩气产量迅速增加。这不仅给美国天然气市场带来一场变革,而且对其进口来源国——加拿大的天然气生产影响显著,并改变了北美及全球天然气和LNG市场的供求关系,亚太地区的天然气和LNG市场将获得更多资源保障。我国应抓住这一机遇,加强与美国、加拿大、俄罗斯等国的国际合作,加快国内页岩气资源的开发,同时适时调整国内天然气利用政策,加快我国天然气工业的发展。 Following technical breakthroughs in Shale Gas exploration and exploitation, American output of Shale Gas has rapidly increased. This has not only brought on a transformation in the American Natural Gas Market but has affected countries which are the source of its imports - the effect on Canadian production of natural gas has been dramatic. Supply and demand relationships of Natural Gas and LNG in North America and the world have been altered as a result. Supplies of Natural Gas and LNG for the Asia Pacific region are now more reliable. China should take advantage of this opportunity to increase cooperation with countries such as the US, Canada and Russia to increase the exploitation of domestic shale gas. At the same time, we should adjust policies regarding the domestic utilization of natural gas in order to accelerate the development of the domestic natural gas industry.
作者 杨玉峰
出处 《国际石油经济》 2009年第12期35-38,共4页 International Petroleum Economics
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