
高等院校分层:一种社会阶层分析的视角 被引量:5

Stratification in Higher Education Institution:a Perspective from Social Class
摘要 在以美、英两国为代表的西方学界,学者们通过研究揭示了基于不同社会阶层存在于学生中的不公平现象:来自优势地位阶层的学生更多地聚集在院校系统的上层,而来自弱势地位阶层的学生则更多聚集在院校系统的下层。与美、英两国相比,中国社会的阶层分类虽有自身的特点,但许多学者的研究也揭示出基于社会阶层存在于学生中的不公平现象也十分明显。这表明,高等院校方层是客观存在的。 In western researches which are represented by American and British scholars, many scholars reveal that the disparities between different social classes" students exist in the stratification in higher education institution. Many dominant classes" students possess the elite universities, and many vulnerable classes" students have to go to the non-elite universities. Compared with America and British, Chinese mainland has different classifications on social stratum, but the unfair phenomenon about the stratification in higher education institution has also been described in scholars" researches.
作者 钟景迅
机构地区 香港中文大学
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期28-33,共6页 Research in Educational Development
关键词 高等教育 院校分层 社会阶层 higher education, stratification in higher education institution, social class
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