

Integration or disintegration? an empirical research from the knowledge perspective
摘要 为了研究企业的长期竞争力,文章提出了一个关于业务活动一体化与反一体化决策的系统分析框架。从战略层面上,通过对业务活动过程进行分析,发现三种知识方面的因素影响一体化与反一体化决策。为此,以国内不同行业中的领先企业为调查对象,运用多项Logit回归的方法建立了有关决策的实证模型。在实证模型的预测基础上,进一步发现,一个简化了的基于知识的概念决策模型可以更好地帮助企业进行业务活动的一体化与反一体化决策。 To research firms' long - term competence, the paper proposes a systematic analyzing framework on whether firms should adopt integration or disintegration in business activities. At strategic level, through analysis of business process of the firms, it was found that three knowledge - based factors would impact on the decision of integration or disintegration. To prove this viewpoint, an empirical model was established by using the method of multinomial logistics regression which targeted on leading firms in different industries in China. Based on the predicted result of the empirical model, it was also found that a simplified knowledge - based conceptual decision model could be used to help the firms to make better decisions on integration or disintegration in their business activities.
作者 洪江涛
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期110-117,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70572103) 上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金(swm08005) 上海对外贸易学院国际物流与供应链管理学科建设项目(A-3201-09-002)
关键词 知识 一体化 反一体化 多项Logit模型 knowledge integration disintegration multinomial logistics model
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