In order to research into the role of fibronectin (FN) in implantation of embryo,the FN pro-tein expression in endometrium of mice on the day 3,5,7,15 of gestation was detected with the methods of western blot and immunoblot. The endometrium from nonpregnancy was used as con-trol. The blots were scanned with VDS system. It was found that the expression of FN in en-dometrium of various periods of gestation of mice was much higher than that in nonpregnancy. On d3 gestation,the FN expression began to increase,then went up to the highest level on the d7 and till the d!5 of gestation. From those results it could be inferred that the FN contents of en-dometrium were changed to be ready to receive embryo before embryo was implanted, which stim-ulated the altering of FN in endometrium to optimize the embryonic development and also made FN expression maintain a higher level. Human decidual tissues during early pregnancy were also detected with the same methods. It resulted that when the diameter of embryonic sac was 7~25 mm (eguivalent to 35~49 days of gestation) ,FN protein was expressed in endometrium in about the same amount,but much more than that in nonpregnant endometrium. The increase of FN ex-pression may be related to embryo implantation. From the active changes of FN expression during implantation .we concluded that FN could play an important role in it.
Reproduction and Contraception