
同波束干涉测量技术测量精度仿真研究 被引量:2

Research on Measurement Accuracy Simulation of Same Beam Interferometry (SBI) Technology
摘要 介绍了同波束干涉测量(SBI)的概念和基本原理,详细分析了系统测量误差的组成和数据处理模型。在我国航天测控现有技术水平条件下,针对星群卫星、共位卫星、载人空间站交会对接等多目标、高精度测控需求开展了测量精度仿真研究,在Ka、X、C、S四个频段工程应用研究方面得出了相关结论。 The concept and fundamental of same beam interferometry(SBI) technology is introduced in this paper. The composition of system measurement error and data processing model are analysed. According to the multi- target and high- precision TT&C requirement of constellation, common orbit satellite and manned space station, measurement accuracy simulation is studied in the condition of existing technological level of China and conclusions of engineering application research on Ka,X, C, S bands are drawn.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2010年第1期1-7,共7页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 "十一五"国防预研项目(51324060202)~~
关键词 航天测控 同波束干涉测量 载波相位测量 系统误差 MATLAB仿真 aerospace TT&C same beam interferomety (SBI) measurement of carrier phase system error Matlab simulation
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