
基于定长帧的组播QoS路由技术 被引量:2

Multicast QoS Routing Technology Based on Fixed-Length Frame
摘要 为高效利用网络资源且平衡负载,结合物理帧时槽交换技术,提出了基于定长帧的组播机制和QoS路由算法MRBP.该算法在满足带宽和时延要求的基础上,最小化时延和平衡节点负载,达到组播树总体时延较小并优化利用网络资源的目的.仿真结果表明,基于该算法建立的组播树具有较好的网络负载平衡性,并能够对服务质量提供较好的保证. To effectively utilize network resources and balance the load,a multicast mechanism based on a fixed-length physical frame was proposed,and a QoS(quality of service)-aware multicast routing algorithm was designed,named as MRBP(multicast routing load-balancing algorithm based on Ethernet-oriented physical frame timeslot switching).This algorithm minimizes the delay and balances the load to construct a multicast tree with a small delay and utilige network resources more reasonably under the condition of satisfying the bandwidth and delay constraints.Simulation results show that a multicast tree constructed by the proposed algorithm instead of other approaches has a good load-balancing performance and is able to provide a QoS guarantee.
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期76-81,共6页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60773102)
关键词 定长帧 组播路由 时延 负载均衡 fixed-length frame multicast routing delay balance load
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