
甲型H1N1流感报道的阶段性特征与同质化倾向 被引量:2

Stages’ Characteristics and Tendency of Homogenization of H1N1 Influenza Report
摘要 甲型H1N1流感疫情自墨西哥大范围暴发以来,引起了各国媒体的高度重视,尤其是中国媒体在吸取2003年非典型肺炎疫情初期集体失语的教训后,对这一国际性卫生防疫灾害事件给予了充分关注。纵观国内媒体对甲型H1N1疫情的报道,根据报道频率和报道内容的不同,大致可以将其分为三个阶段:暴发期、平缓期和反弹期。国内媒体在这三个阶段的报道中各有特点。暴发期表现出了媒介融合、反应迅速和立体报道的特征;平缓期表现为媒体和受众的新闻脱敏与同质化报道倾向;反弹期则出现了初衷与结果的悖离和被动报道的现象。其中对地震报道最大的启发就是要防止同质化倾向,进行差异性报道,使受众对新闻可读、爱读,才能够起到科普宣传的作用。 Since the Influenza A(H1N1) broke out in Mexico, it has attracted a high degree of national media attention. The Chinese media, especially, after learning this lesson in the initial outbreak of SARS in 2003, have given full attention the international health and epidemic prevention for this disaster event. Looking at the domestic media reports of Influenza A(H1N1)outbreak, according to different report frequencies and contents, it generally can be divided into three stages: the outbreak period, flat period and a rebound phase. Domestic media coverage of these three phases has its own characteristics respectively. In the outbreak, the media integrated, responded quickly, and covered full aspects; in flat period, the media and audiences tended to desensitize with the homogenization of the news reports; in rebound phase, appeared the reverse phenomena between the original intention and results and passive repots. The most inspiring for earthquake coverage is to prevent the homogenization tendency, and differences in reporting, to make the news report readable, playing the role of science advocacy.
机构地区 防灾科技学院
出处 《防灾科技学院学报》 2010年第1期137-141,共5页 Journal of Institute of Disaster Prevention
关键词 新闻报道 灾害新闻 舆论引导 阶段性特征 同质化倾向 news disaster news direction of public opinion stages' characteristics tendency of homogenization
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