
农业巨灾损失及保险模式选择 被引量:4

Catastrophe Losses in Agriculture and Insurance Model Selection
摘要 我国是农业灾害十分频繁的国家,农业巨灾对农业部门造成重大损失,使农民因灾致贫、返贫,加强对农业的补偿和保险已迫在眉睫。加入WTO后,现行的农产品补贴政策受到限制,建立农业灾害政策性保险是一种非常合理而有效的举措。分析我国农业巨灾损失情况和农业保险开展现状,旨在探讨农业巨灾保险性质和适合我国国情的农业巨灾保险模式。 China's natural disasters in agriculture are very frequent, and have caused heavy losses to agricultural sector, lending to peasants poor and poverty once again, so it is necessary to strengthen agricultural compensation and insurance. After entering WTO, the current policy of agricultural subsidies is restricted, so the establishment of agricultural disasters insurance is a very reasonable and effective measure. The paper analyzes China's catastrophe losses in agriculture and agricultural insurance status quo to investigate the nature of catastrophe insurance in agriculture, and insurance model of agricultural catastrophe that conforms to our conditions.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期127-129,共3页 Commercial Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目 项目编号:07JA790037 湖南省科技厅软科学基金重点项目 项目编号:2007ZK2005 湖南省社会科学基金课题 项目编号:07YBB233
关键词 农业巨灾 保险性质 保险模式 agricultural catastrophe insurance nature insurance model
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