
论当前中国法律理论与民意的冲突——兼论现代性法律的局限性 被引量:16

The Conflict between Chinese Legal Theories and Public Opinions:Limitation of "Modernity Law"
摘要 法律理论与民意的冲突,目前成了一种不容忽视的冲突。泸州"二奶"遗赠案反映了自由权利与社会责任的冲突;"刘涌案"反映了程序正义与实体正义的冲突;"死刑存废之争"反映了法律理想图景与现实正义观念的冲突。冲突的根源在于:现代性法律以个人主义和自由主义为前提预设,把人视为独立自由的平等个体,把错综复杂多样的社会关系剪裁成单一片面的法律关系,要求尽可能地限制国家权力,甚至主张以"人道"规范一切;但是,社会中的人却不是独立自由的,而是受到多种社会伦理规范的制约;国家职能和社会规范都是多元的;民意具有现实性和综合性的特点。现代性法律与中国民意的冲突,本质上是两种不同的国家社会体制的冲撞。现代性法律只能调整特定的社会关系、满足中国的部分需求。 The conflict between legal theories and public opinions has at present become so signal that no one can ignore it. The legacy case in Lu Chou City reveals the conflict between free right and social responsibility while Liu Yong reveals the inconsistency between procedural and substantive justices. From the debate over abolition of death penalty one can also find the conflict between legal ideal and reality of justice. The reason of occurrence of such conflicts lies in that "modernity law" takes individualism and liberalism as premises, con- siders every person as independent, free and equal individual, tailors intriguing social relations into the sole partial legal relationship, seeks to limit state power as possible, and even advocates that all is subject to "humanity. " Indeed, man in society is by no means independent or free, but restricted by many social ethic rules, so state' s functions and social rules are diverse, and public opinions are characterized by realities and compre- hensiveness. The conflict between modem law and public opinions is essentially a crash of two different state and social systems. What "modernity law" does is to appropriately regulate specific social relations so as to satisfy partial demands of China.
作者 孟涛
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期11-21,共11页 Modern Law Science
关键词 现代性法律 自由主义 个人主义 modernity law liberalism individualism public opinion
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