The self-organization biosystem of genotype-phenotype complexity is the information transformation from gene regulatory network,proteins interaction to metabolism system. The independent phenotype which forms a functional module is controlled by synergic expression of genes group of the genotype. During evolution, networks of gene groups are constructing of genomic stability, genetic co-adaptation and self-organization of genomes. Cytogenesis of endocrine cells within pituitary is in respond to hormones stimulation, and involved in induced expression of a serial transcription factors. Cell treatments with GRF, GHRP-6, and active, inhibit PKA, PKC pathways and involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. The regulation of gene expression depends on the elements in the sequence of gene,the promoter,the un-translated region of mRNA, the membrane domain of protein etc. Systems biology includes the omics, computational and synthetic biotechnology. An efficient approach, termed sequence tagged fragments display(STFD) , be developed that allow for the identification of genes from differential expression tissues, and analysis of genes involved in cytogenesis and pathogenesis.
Biotechnology Bulletin