Objective To analyze the prevalence of lower urinary tract dysfunction in stroke patients in the convalescent stage, its risk factors and the characteristics of urodynamics. Methods One hundred and thirty-one stroke patients in the convalescent stage were included in this study. Their general information, neurological system reviewing and past history were obtained, especially detailed micturitional histories. In patients with urinary symptoms, diagnosis and classification were made and relevant analysis and urodynamic study were performed. Results The prevalence of lower urinary tract dysfunction is 44. 3%. The most common symptom was urinary incontinence (frequency, urgency and nocturia) followed by hesitancy, straining and urinary retention. The incidence of micturitional disturbance is higher 1.8 times in cognitive disfunction group than normal cognitive function group ( χ^2 = 18. 683, P = 0. 000) ; it was higher 1.2 times in patients with modified Bathel index scale ≤ 20 than those with≥ 25 ( χ^2= 16. 832, P = 0.000). Logistic multivariate analyses suggested that age (OR = 1. 622, 95% CI 1. 183-2. 224), the during of urethral catheterization (OR = 3. 236, 95% CI 1. 335-7. 840 ) and single or multiple lesions (OR=1.296, 95% CI 1.083--1.550) to be the risk factors of lower urinary tract dysfunction at the convalescent stage in stroke patients. The urodynamics study found detrusor over activity in 78. 5% patients, normal in 10. 5% and detrusor areflexia in 10. 5% patients. There was no detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. Conclusions Lower urinary tract dysfunction is common after stroke with the storage symptoms to be the most common. Patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction show impaired cognitive function and poor ability in daily life. Age, during of urethral catheterization and single or multiple lesions are among risk factors of lower urinary tract dysfunction. Detrusor overactivity is the most common finding in urodynamie study. Because the clinic symptoms are not often in accordance with the findings in urodynamics study, further urodynamies study are needed to benefit the treatment.
Chinese Journal of Neurology
Urination disorders