目的:探讨人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)对人外周血单核细胞(PBMC)产生巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)的影响。方法:分离正常人PBMC,体外加入不同浓度的hCG,在37℃5%CO2条件下培养一定时间收获细胞或加入一定浓度的hCG,同样条件下培养,在不同时间收获细胞,用荧光定量PCR方法检测MIF mRNA转录水平。结果:在实验的hCG浓度范围内,MIF的转录水平随着hCG浓度增加而明显提高。在100U/mL的hCG作用下,MIF mRNA表达在培养的1~2h达到峰值,随后很快下降,至8h基本回到刺激前水平。结论:hCG在一定浓度范围内有促进MIF mRNA转录的作用,且在本实验筛选浓度下,MIF mRNA转录水平与作用时间相关,提示hCG可通过促进PBMC分泌细胞因子参与一定的免疫调节作用。
Objective:To investigate the effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) on the gene expression of migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC). Methods:The healthy human PBMC was cultured with hCG at 37 ℃,5%CO2 for 2 hours. The mRNA of harvested cells was isolated. The MIF mRNA was detected by real-time RT-PCR. Results:In a certain range of doses,the mRNA expression of MIF significantly increased following the increase of hCG in a dose depandent manner,and it reached to a peak 1-2 hours after culture,then returned to the minimum level after 8 hours. Conclusion:In a certain range of doses,hCG can increase the mRNA expression of MIF. This effect is correlated with reacting time. It is suggested that hCG may involve in immune response by up-regulating the production of cytokines by PBMC.
Tianjin Medical Journal