为了实现对输出高压的线性控制,基于功率MOSFET的电学特性,运用NMOS功率管设计一种新结构的高压运算放大器,通过模拟仿真和实验测量结果表明,当输入电压为0~5 V时,电路可实现0~50 V的线性输出,并且通过加入PMOS功率管进一步改进电路,可得到正负高压的输出,模拟仿真为-140^+140 V,这表明所设计的电路线性度高,可以满足高压运放的要求,且制作成本低,对现代通信中的大功率驱动具有重要意义。
In order to achieve the linear control of high- voltage output in operational amplifier,based on the electrical properties of power MOSFET, a high - voltage operational amplifier is designed with new structure with power NMOS. Through simulation and experimental results, the linear output voltage is 0 ~ 50 V can be achieved,when the range of the input voltage is 0~5 V. And with the further improvement by utilizing power PMOS,the output voltage is --140-+-140 V can be acquired, which indicates the high linearity, and with low cost, the needs of high voltage operational amplifier can be met. There is significance in the high power driving of modern communication.
Modern Electronics Technique