
群体选择中的弱独裁原则 被引量:1

On the Weak Dictatorial Principle in Choice
摘要 从一开始,群体选择理论就受到否定性结论的缠绕,这些否定性结论的本质在于选择理论中不存在"理性"选择过程满足所有的"自然的"、可能的要求必备的条件,所以每个选择过程至少存在一些缺点。偏好选择情结先天在根植于人类的大脑之中,尤其更为根深蒂固地存在决策者的思想中。偏好选择情结是说,面临选择时人们总是选择优于或无差异于其它方案的某个方案。偏好选择情结被认为是理性选择原则。理性选择定理给出了群体及成员所接受的寻求满意方案的方法。然而,通过分析理性选择定理在一些特殊事例中的应用,得出作为理性选择原则的偏好选择情结是弱独裁原则。 Since its very beginning, group decision making has been plagued by negative results, their es- sence is that no "rational" choice procedure satisfied all "natural", or plausible requirements, so each choice procedure has at least one serious drawback. The complex of preferential choice ( CPC), that people always choose one alternative which prefers to or is indifferent with all the other alternatives, is transcendentally implan- ted in human mind especially decision maker' s mind when facing choice. CPC can be deemed as rational choice principle. Based on this, the paper proposed and proved rational choice theorem, and gave a reasonable method to find one alternative accepted by the group of individuals as a whole. However, through analyzing application of rational choice theorem to special cases, this paper demonstrated that CPC as rational choice principle is a weak dictator principle.
作者 王志远
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期37-42,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"博弈论的哲学基础及应用功能研究"(09BZ015) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划"模糊偏好形成机制研究(CX09B-002R) 江苏省规划项目"认知逻辑及相关哲学问题专题研究(08ZXB002)
关键词 决策逻辑 社会选择 分布式偏好 弱独裁原则 理性独裁原则 Social Choice Distributed Preference Morph - Dictator Dictatorial Principle Weak Dictato- rial Principle Rational Dictatorial Principle
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