
改进型生物过滤器对H_2S和NH_3混合气体去除效果的研究 被引量:2

Efficiency of H_2S and NH_3 Removal Through an Innovative Biofilter
摘要 生物过滤器去除恶臭气体的影响因素包括进气的容积负荷、填料湿度、填料层高度、填料中微生物种群和数量及填料层成分的变化,为进一步了解生物过滤器的去除效果,共设计4个处理组,分别编号为A、B、C和D,用猪粪堆肥、珍珠塔、活性蚯蚓粪和锯末按不同比例组成生物过滤器填料,并添加除臭优势菌种和蚯蚓处理H2S和NH3。结果表明,生物过滤器填料中微生物数量丰富,细菌和真菌在最高的C组分别达到(2.23~3.26)×1010cfu·g-1和(2.00~3.08)×105cfu·g-1。在生物过滤器填料中各种形态氮和硫的分布不均匀,NH4+-N与S2--S由下向上递减,而NO3--N起初是下部高于上部,但随着运行时间的延长,上部的NO3--N逐渐高于下部。在该生物除臭系统中,用活性蚯蚓粪、堆肥和锯末混合填料(C)处理效果最好,是很好的生物过滤器填料,有存活的蚯蚓,其余3个处理均没有存活的蚯蚓。 The factors effeeting on malodor removal of a biofiher inelude the volume load at inlet, the humidity, height, microorganism species and the components of filling materials. In this study, four treatments( A, B, C and D ) were designed according to components of filling materials in eorresponding biofiher to learn more about its effecting on malodor removal. The filling materials were comprised of swine compost, perlite, earthworm east and sawdust. Some fermentation agents and earthworm were also inoculated. The results were concluded as follows:There were abundance microorganisms in filling materials. The number of bacteria was up to (2.23-3.26)× 1010 cfu-g.1 and total number of fungi was up to (2.00-3.08)×105 cfu. g-1 at group C. The distribution of contents of nitrogen and sulfur in filling materials was uneven. The con- tents of NH4^+-N and S2--S reduced from bottom to top of filling materials, and that of nitrate nitrogen was lower at bottom part than the upper part at first, however, it became reversed slowly with the extension of operating time. This showed that the microorganisms in filling materials were layered, the different mieroorganisms occupied different spatial locations, and deeomposed different components in malodor. The best effect was achieved in group C, which filling material was comprised of swine compost, earthworm east and sawdust, and a few earthworms were alive in group C, on the contrary, all earthworms were dead in group A, B and D. This showed that inoeulating earthworm could directly reveal the effect of noxious gas degradation in a biofilter.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期185-193,共9页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 四川省科技厅"丘区射洪县循环经济型现代农业科技集成研究与示范"
关键词 生物过滤器 微生物 硫化氢 氨气 蚯蚓 biofilter microorganism hydrogen sulfide ammonia earthworm
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