
支气管哮喘的特异性免疫治疗 被引量:6

Specific immunotherapy for bronchial asthma
摘要 支气管哮喘的特异性免疫治疗(SIT)即通过逐渐增加特异性抗原的量使机体对该过敏原耐受,从而在机体再次接触相应抗原时不再产生相应的过敏反应或降低过敏反应的程度。SIT不仅可以减轻因过敏产生的症状,也可达到长期预防目的,是目前惟一可以改变过敏性疾病进程的治疗方法。本综述重点介绍常用免疫治疗方案、治疗机制,以及疗效和不良反应等。 Specific immunotherapy (SIT) for bronchial asthma is an effective and safe approach. That results in a growing body tolerance to the allergen through gradually increasing the amount of specific antigen. SIT may be an exclusive treatment which alters the natural course of allergic disease. It can not only alleviate allergic symptoms, but also achieve the aims of long-term prevention. This review focuses on the clinical therapy, mechanisms, efficacy and adverse reactions of specific immunotherapy for bronchial asthma.
作者 汤葳 邓伟吾
出处 《世界临床药物》 CAS 2010年第1期1-5,共5页 World Clinical Drug
关键词 特异性免疫治疗 支气管哮喘 变应原 脱敏 过敏 specific immunotherapy bronchial asthma antigen desensitization allergy
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