

Assembly Sequence Optimization Based on Genetic and Scatter Searching Algorithm
摘要 航空发动机装配车间调度问题包括部件组装调度和试车台排序。其中试车台排序是一个关键问题,它直接影响生产效率和生产成本。为了提高生产效率、降低生产成本,文中针对航空发动机装配车间调度问题,依据实际情况,对其中关键的试车台排序问题进行深入研究。在分析试车台排序特征的基础上,建立了试车台最优排序的旅行商模型,基于遗传分散搜索算法对该模型进行求解,为装配排序优化问题提供了一种科学的方法。最后通过算例比较表明该算法的适用性和优越性。 The scheduling problem of the aviatic engine assembly shop includes the scheduling of the partial assembly and the sequence of the test bed.The sequence of the test bed is the key of the scheduling problem of the aviatic engine assembly shop,which directly impacts on production efficiency and production cost.In order to increase production efficiency and reduce production cost,research the sequence of the test bed which is the key of the scheduling problem of the aviatic engine assembly shop according to the actual situation. The TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem) sequencing model of the test bed has been established and the genetic and scatter searching algorithm to solve this model is proposed on the basis of analyzing for characteristics of the test bed. It provides a scientific method for the optimization of planning and scheduling of the assembly sequence. Comparison between many computational examples of this algorithm is carried out, and the result confirms its adaptability and effectiveness .
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第1期14-17,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50875046) 国家863计划资助项目(2007AA04Z112)
关键词 装配车间调度 试车台排序 遗传分散搜索算法 assembly shop scheduling test bed sequence genetic and scatter searching algorithm
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