经过二个半小时的飞行,记者于11月29日抵达越南南方胡志明市.参加12月1~4日举行的ConBuild 2009 Vietnam(即第三届越南国际工程机械、建材机械、工程车辆及建材、技术与服务展览会)。作为中国唯一参展的工程机械行业媒体,《建设机械技术与管理》杂志已经是连续第三次在ConBuild展会上亮相了。虽然当前全球性金融危机的阴影还没有消褪,但今年下半年以来,越南经济已呈现缓慢回升势头,工程机械市场已显露出充满活力的迹象。
CMTM journalist arrived in Ho Chi Minh City in the South of Vietnam on November 29,attended ConBuild 2009 from December 1st to 4th (the third Vietnam International Construction Machinery,Building Material Machines,Construction Vehicles and Building Materials,Technology and Ser vices Ex hibition). As the only one of Chi na construction machinery industry media presented in this exhibition,CMTM magazine appeared in ConBuild show for the third time. While the global financial crisis shadows has not faded,in the second half of this year,Vietnam's economy was showing slow upward trend,and construction machinery market has shown sign of vitality. This article is the report of the exhibition.
Construction Machinery Technology & Management