
DNA微阵列技术在柑橘研究中的应用 被引量:2

Application of DNA microarray technology in citrus studies
摘要 DNA微阵列技术是一项能够分析基因组、基因表达特征性图谱的新技术,使研究人员能同时对成千上万的相互作用的基因展开研究。随着Affymetrix公司生产的世界上第一个商品化的柑橘基因组阵列(Citrus Genome Array)的诞生,该技术在柑橘基因组学和相关科学研究中扮演着越来越重要的角色。综述了运用DNA微阵列技术在柑橘研究中的现状,重点说明了该技术在柑橘重要功能基因的检测及基因差异表达研究中的应用,介绍了柑桔研究中DNA微阵列的种类,及其在代谢途径分析、突变检测和突变机理分析等其他领域的研究现状,并对其在病原检测方面的可能应用也进行了探讨。 DNA microarray technology is a kind of new technologies,which promises to monitor the whole genome,and analysis the profiling of gene expression,so that researchers could have a better picture of the interactions among thousands of genes simultaneously. With the born of Citrus Genome Array,which is the first commercial citrus DNA microarray manufactured by Affymetrix corporation,microarray technology has played a more and more important role in the research of citrus genomics and related fields. This paper summarizes the current situation and advance in citrus microarray technology,with an emphasis on the application of the technology in identification of important functional genes and researches on genome transcriptional changes. Besides the type of the DNA microarray being used in the research of citrus was introduced,other possible applications,such as detection of mutants and SNPs,metabolism of pathway and pathogens have also been briefly discussed.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期110-114,共5页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 重庆市科技攻关计划项目"柑橘重要功能基因克隆与功能分析" 编号CSTC 2007AA1018
关键词 柑橘 DNA微阵列 Citrus DNA microarray
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