
基于MOEA/D的柔性结构燃料—时间多目标优化控制研究 被引量:3

Fuel-time Multiobjective Optimal Control of Flexible Structures Based on MOEA/D
摘要 利用基于分解的多目标优化算法(MOEA/D)研究了柔性航天器多目标优化的rest-to-rest机动问题。基于空间飞行器刚柔耦合动力学方程,提出了最小时间—最少耗能的多目标优化控制模型;给出了基于MOEA/D的算法框架,并对柔性飞行器空间机动问题进行了多目标优化控制的分析设计;典型算例表明该算法可有效地应用于柔性航天器姿态机动控制器的分析设计之中。 A multi-objective optimization for rest-to-rest maneuvers of flexible spacecraft is presented by using MOEA/D (Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition). The multiobjective control design functions which deal with the minimal maneuver time and fuel consume are developed by using rigid-flexible couple dynamics model of spacecraft. A new MOEA/D approach is introduced for maneuvers problem of flexible spacecraft control system. The simulation results show that the approach can be efficiently realized in design and analysis of flexible spaeecraft.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期73-76,105,共5页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 国防科技大学预研基金国际合作资助项目(GJ07-01-01)
关键词 多目标优化 柔性航天器 姿态机动 multiobjective optimization flexible spacecraft attitude maneuvers
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