
一种在线测算交流永磁同步电机定子电感参数的方法 被引量:2

A Method of On-Line Calculating Stator Inductance of Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor
摘要 本文介绍了一种采用准电流定向控制在线测算交流永磁同步电机定子电感参数的新方法,该方法利用通用的PWM调制的电压型逆变器在电机定子d轴上施加了一个正负交替的小电压,与d轴上获得的正负交替的小电流一起推算出定子电感参数。该法具有测试时间短和电机无需堵转的特点。它所涉及到的数学计算简单易于数字编程实现。MATLAB仿真结果证明了该方法的可行性和正确性。 This paper presents a new method which can achieve on-line calculation of the stator inductance of permanent magnetic synchronous motor by using quasi current oriented control. Quasi current oriented implies imposing small positive & negative voltage continuous pulses along the d axis of stator of a motor powered by general PWM voltage source inverter. In this manner small positive & negative current continuous pulses along the d axis can be generated and the parameter of stator inductance can be precisely calculated on-line by processing the measured stator currents and voltages. Features of the method possess short test period and no need to impose a locked rotor position. The involved mathematical operations can be digitally programmed easily. The results of MATLAB simulations have verified the feasibility and correctness of the method.
作者 田逸
出处 《自动化技术与应用》 2009年第12期66-70,134,共6页 Techniques of Automation and Applications
关键词 准电流定向控制 交流永磁同步电机 定子电感参数在线测算 MATLAB仿真验证 quasi current oriented control permanent-magnet synchronous motor stator inductance calculation on line MATLAB simulation verification
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