
原发性腹膜后精原细胞瘤1例报告并文献复习 被引量:1

Primary Retroperitoneal Seminoma:A Case Report and Review of Literature
摘要 目的:提高对原发性腹膜后精原细胞瘤的认识。方法:1例原发性腹膜后精原细胞瘤,手术切除及组织病理学证实,术后分别行化疗或放疗。结合文献对原发性性腺外精原细胞瘤的组织发生、临床表现、治疗原则等进行讨论。结果:随访至今患者健在。结论:原发性腹膜后精原细胞瘤少见,容易误诊,组织病理检查对该病诊断、治疗方案的选择有重要价值;治疗上尽量完整手术切除,但不必勉强,该肿瘤对放、化疗敏感。 Objective:To improve the knowledge of primary retroperitoneal seminoma. Methods:One case proved by histopathology was reported in this article,the patient received surgical operation plus subsequent chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Results: He was alive now. The histogenesis, clinical features, principle of treatment of primary retroperitoneal seminoma were discussed with review of literature. Conclusions: Primary retroperitoneal seminoma is rare,and the histopathology is very important for diagnosis and selection of therapy.
出处 《中国误诊学杂志》 CAS 2010年第3期511-513,共3页 Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics
关键词 精原细胞瘤 腹膜后肿瘤 病例报告[文献类型] 人类 Seminoma Retroperitoneal Neoplasms Case Reports [Publication Type] Humans
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