

An T Cell Proliferative Assay in Vitro Experimental Study on Dendritic Cells Combined with Interleukin-2 Treating Colon Tumor
摘要 目的探索把两种肿瘤生物治疗方法即DC治疗和细胞因子治疗有效结合起来的可行性,为肿瘤的生物治疗开辟更有效的途径。方法用3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷掺入法,在DC:T为1∶100,1∶330,1∶1000三种比例,分三组检测cpm值,即:抗原冲击的DC组、抗原冲击的DC加白介素-2组和抗原未冲击的DC组。结果3种梯度抗原冲击的DC组与未冲击组,加入IL-2组与未加入组相比均有显著性的差别(P<0.05)。结论抗原冲击的DC能明显的刺激荷瘤鼠脾T细胞增殖,加入IL-2能进一步提高T细胞增殖能力。 Objective To study practicability of the two immunotherapy methods in combination with dendritic cell and cytokine,in order to make much efficient methods for the tumor s immunotherapy.Methods The responder T cells were cocultured with either C26 tumor lysate-pulsed DC in combination with 500U/ml rhIL-2,unpulsed DC alone,DC pulsed with C26 tumor lysate were determined at a stimulator-to-responder ratio of 1∶100,1∶330,1∶1000 by 3H-TdR incorporation assays.Then Cpms were obtained.Results There were significant difference between unpulsed DC alone and DC pulsed with C26 tumor lysate by LSD test( P 〈0.05 ). The same conclusion was drawn by IL-2 group and IL - 2 unenrolled group. Conclusion T cells with C26 tumor lysate - pulsed DC resulted in a significant proliferative response compared with tumor lysate -unpulsed DC and high ^3H -TdR incor- poration with elevating responder - to - stimulator ratio. IL - 2 promoted T cells growth.
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2009年第24期4-5,8,共3页 Journal of Medical Forum
关键词 树突状细胞 IL-2 C26 体外实验 Dendritic cell(DC) Interleukin 2(IL-2) Colon tumor Antitumor
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