

On Some Legal Problems in Preventing H1N1 Influenza
摘要 在应对甲型流感疫情的过程中,关于危害公共安全的行为人的责任问题,关于公共卫生安全维护与人权保护的争议,关于维护公共安全与发展国际经济的关系争议此起彼伏。从法律责任角度来看,对传播疾病的行为,不仅各国可以依据国内法追究行为人的民事、行政和刑事责任,而且,国际社会应当将危害全人类的传播疾病的犯罪行为归为国际犯罪,由各国行使普遍管辖权。在人权问题上,分析了国际人权法的规定,指出国际人权法在强调保护人权的同时,也尊重各国为维护公共安全而采取必要的限制人权的措施。根据世界贸易组织和世界卫生组织对成员国义务的规定,驳斥了某些西方国家认为我国采取的防止流感病毒传播的措施违反国际条约的规定、阻碍经济发展的看法。 In response to the epidemic of H1N1 influenza, some disputes occurred such as the responsibility of the perpetrator who endangered public safety, the relationship between maintaining public health security and protecting human rights, and the relationship between maintaining public health security and international economic. From a legal responsibility point of view, perpetrator who spreads disease should not only been account for responsibility under domestic laws by states but also by universal jurisdiction. On human rights issues, the article analyses provisions of the international human rights laws, noting that international human rights laws not only protecting human rights, but also respecting States' rights of taking necessary measures to limit human rights for public safety. According to the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organizations' provisions for mem'bers, some Western countries' view on China's action to prevent the flow spread of influenza virus violating the provisions of international treaties isn't right.
出处 《河北科技师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期66-71,共6页 Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology(Social Sciences)
关键词 流感 公共卫生安全 法律责任 国际罪行 人权 经济发展 协调 influenza public health security legal liability international crimes human rights economic development coordination
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