
聋青少年分类学联系概念词词汇联想 被引量:4

Deaf Adolescents'Word Association with Taxonomic Categories
摘要 使用分类学联系上下位概念词对青少年聋生进行单词联想研究发现:虽然联想趋势和健听生基本一致,但是,相对于健听生,聋生分类学联系概念中的上下位概念联系和同位概念联系都较弱,他们产生较多分类学联系以外概念联系的联想。导致这些现象的原因应该主要包括:聋生主流语言能力较弱,他们有孤立看待事物概念的认知倾向。 A single-word association task is conducted to deaf adolescents with words for super-ordinate and sub- ordinate taxonomic categories. The results indicate that although deaf adolescents have a similar tendency of conceptual association to that of hearing adolescents, their responses show their relative weaker awareness of taxonomic relations than that of hearing adolescents. Furthermore, their responses are more likely to reflect other category relations than taxonomic relations to the stimuli, such as thematic associations. The reason for deaf adolescents' differences from hearing adolescents might be their weaker mainstream language proficiency and their stronger tendency to look at things in isolation.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期28-31,共4页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 聋青少年 分类学联系 词汇联想 deaf adolescents taxonomic categories word association
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