
儿童英语语音意识能力的培养策略 被引量:4

Strategies for Improving Children's English Phonological Awareness
摘要 语音意识是儿童早期阅读发展的关键因素。大量研究证实,语音意识训练对儿童语音意识能力提升有显著效果。因此,有必要对语音意识发展不佳儿童给予及早介入。提升英语语音意识能力的基本训练程序主要有基于建立音形联系、音素分解和合成理念之上的五步训练法,以及计算机辅助的视听训练。此外,读唱儿歌、童谣和带有押韵的英文童书、玩语音操弄游戏等趣味训练方法对儿童提升语音意识能力也很有帮助。 In the past decades, phonological awareness has been dominating the field of reading and developmental dyslexia. English phonological deficit is one of the key factors contributing to children's English dyslexia. Many empirical studies prove that phonological training is conducive to the development of children's phonological awareness. Thus, an early intervention for children with phonological deficits is badly needed. Currently, Five - step Training Program and computer - assisted Audio - visual Training Program which are based on the ideas of sound - symbol correspondences, segmentation and blending of phonemes are major methods for improving children's reading abilities. For children in China who study English as a foreign language, singing nursery rhymes, reading rhymed English books, playing phoneme games and other activities will be conducive to .the improvement of children's English phonological awareness.
作者 罗美娜
出处 《湖州师范学院学报》 2009年第6期19-23,共5页 Journal of Huzhou University
关键词 英语语音意识 音形联系 音素分解和合成 五步训练法 视听训练程序 English phonological awareness sound - symbol correspondences segmentation and blending of phonemes Five- step Training Program Audio- visual Training Program
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