
小儿慢性骨骺损伤MRI诊断价值探讨 被引量:2

Investigation of the diagnostic value of MRI to children chronic epiphyseal injury
摘要 目的:探讨MRI检查对小儿骨骺慢性损伤的诊断价值。方法:17例小儿骨骺损伤6个月后同时行X线、MRI检查,其中4例行CT检查,对影像检查结果相互对照。结果:隐性骨骺损伤X线表现为骺线轻度增宽,CT表现为局限性骨质吸收,MRI表现为生长板区带状长T1、长T2信号,生长板相邻骨质轮廓不光滑。骨骺滑脱X线表现为骨骺半脱位、骺线增宽;CT表现为骺线增宽,骺线两侧骨质轻度硬化;MRI表现为骨骺半脱位,生长板增宽,T2WI信号升高。骨桥形成X线和MRI均显示骨骺和干骺端之间骨桥相连,骺线(或生长板)局限性消失,骨骺和干骺端短缩。结论:轻微骨骺损伤宜采用MRI诊断,骨骺滑脱X线、CT及MRI均可明确诊断,骨桥形成X线、MRI均有特征性表现。 Objective To investigate diagnostic value of MRI to children epiphyseal chronic injury. Methods Seventeen cases of chronic epiphyseal injury was examined simultaneously with X-ray and MRI, in which 4 cases was examined with CT. Their appearances were compared each other. Results X-ray appearances of concealed epiphyseal injury showed epiphyseal line lightly widening, CT showed local bone absorption and MRI showed growth plate widening which appeared long T1 and long T2 signal. X-ray appearances of epiphyseolisthesis showed epiphyseal line widening and epiphysis half dislocation, CT showed epiphyseal line widening and light sclerosis on the bilateralis of epiphyseal line and MRI showed growth plate widening and signal heightening in T2WI. Both X-ray and MR1 appearances of bony bridge showed bony bridge connection between epiphysis and metaphysis. Epiphysis and metaphysis became shortening. Conclusion Light epiphyseal injury should be examined with MRI. X-ray, CT and MRI are all useful methods to diagnosis of epiphyseolisthesis. Both X-ray and MRI are the valuable methods to diagnosis of hony bridge.
出处 《中华实用诊断与治疗杂志》 2010年第1期11-12,共2页 Journal of Chinese Practical Diagnosis and Therapy
基金 河南省科技攻关项目(0124170107)
关键词 骨骺损伤 放射摄影术 体层摄影术 X线计算机 MRI Epiphyseal injury radiography tomography X-ray computed MRI
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