
KIAA0101基因在人非小细胞肺癌中的功能预测 被引量:2

Functional prediction of KIAA0101 gene in human non-small cell lung cancer
摘要 目的应用生物信息学分析方法对肺癌组织中高表达的基因KIAA0101进行功能预测与分析。方法通过dChip软件对人肺癌基因表达谱数据集中癌旁组织与癌组织两组样本进行比较,筛选出与KIAA0101基因共表达的差异基因。运用DAVID、GO、STRING等生物信息学软件对筛选基因进行生物学功能分析,并通过GATHER转录因子预测软件预测该组基因的共同转录因子。结果与癌旁正常组织比较,肺癌组织中KIAA0101等9个基因表达水平升高两倍以上,并且具有相似表达变化趋势;转录因子预测发现该组多数基因启动子区含有转录因子E2F1结合位点。结论筛选出人非小细胞肺癌组织中与KIAA0101基因共表达的一组基因,其中BUB1B、CDC20、CCNB2等基因与细胞周期的调节密切相关,推测KIAA0101基因可能参与肺癌细胞周期的调节,并且该组基因转录水平表达升高可能受转录因子E2F1的调控。 Objective To predict the function of KIAA0101 gene over-expressed in human non-small cell lung cancer by bioinformatics methods. Methods The gene expression profiles of the lung cancer tissues and the adjacent normal tissues were compared by dChip software analysis, and the differential genes coexpressed with KIAA0101 gene were identified. The biological functions of these genes were analyzed using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID), Gene Ontology (GO) and Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING), and the common transcription factors of these genes were predicted using Gene Annotation Tool to Help Explain Relationships (GATHER). Results Nine genes were found to have at least two-fold overexpressions in the lung cancer tissues in comparison with the expression level in the adjacent normal tissues, and showed similar pattern of expression variations in the lung cancer tissue. Most of these genes had the E2F1 binding sites in the promoter region. Conclusion KIAA0101 gene may participate in the cell cycle regulation of the non-small cell lung cancer, and the expression levels of the 9 genes identified may be regulated by the transcription factor E2F1.
出处 《南方医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期157-159,共3页 Journal of Southern Medical University
关键词 KIAA0101 非小细胞肺癌 基因表达谱 生物信息学 KIAA0101 non-small cell lung cancer gene expression profile bioinformatics
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