Objectlve: To inspect the dosimetry characteristic of a 2-D ionization chamber array and its response to oblique in- cident electron beam. And to discuss feasibility to using it to validate the electron arc therapy plan. Materials and methods: (1) The 2-D ionization chamber array was calibrated referring to a themble chamber, comparing the response to electron beams with incidence angle ranged from -50° to 50° . (2) Phantom test plans of 6 and 10MeV electron beam arc therapy were de- signed, with the beam rotation arcs of 30 ° , 60° and 90° respectively, symmetric to the central axis of 0° gantry angle. Dose distribution of each plan was verified with the 2-D array. Results: (1) Measurement differences between the central detec- tor of the array and the thimble chamber were less than 2%, under the planned oblique incident 6/10MeV electron beam. (2) For the all test plans, dose error was less than 3% at dmax in the symmetric axis of the electron beam arcs. Off-axis dose error was less than 2% within the central 70% area of the profile in non-rotating direction, and smaller than 1.5% in the rotational di- rection. The measured dose distribution had good agreement with the TPS calculation in isodose curves between 100% and 20%. The gamma pass rates (△D=5%, Ad=5cm)were 99.98%,99.89%,99.74%, 98.64%,99.16% and 99.44% respectively for 6 and 10 MeV plans with electron beam arcs of 30° , 60° and 90° . Conclusion: it is practicable using the tested 2-D ionization chamber array to verify and validate the electron beam arc therapy plan.
Chinese Journal of Medical Physics